A few minutes after dropping the stuff off, I got a text from Anne saying that I had actually brought her arugula. whoops! Turns out, you can make the soup just the same and it comes out delicious. Anne was kind enough to deliver me some while it was still hot and it is creamy-dreamy and delicious. There's no actual cream in it, but she gave me the recipe (no I'm not sharing) and the beans are undrained, giving the broth a creamier texture.
i'm kelly.
26 year old stressbaker.
about-to-graduate grad school.
new england transplant.
eating through philly & the burbs.
baking my way into the hearts of friends.
about me.
i'm kelly.
26 year old stressbaker.
about-to-graduate grad school.
new england transplant.
eating through philly & the burbs.
baking my way into the hearts of friends.